Michele Weinstein's

Vacation in Charleston

Michele Weinstein's

Vacation in Charleston

Michele Weinstein's Trip to Charleston SC.

Reason for Travel:

It's been the one place that I've wanted to go to!

Date of Travel:

April 2021

Total Number in Party:


Where Did You Stay?

Stayed in Myrtle Beach BUT took a day trip to Charleston (wasn’t enough!)

About the Trip

Tell Us Some of Your Favorite Activities and Experiences.

Loved walking on the Pier and listening to music while swinging on the gliders, walking through stores (& window shopping!), grabbing a delicious meal at Amen Street and later at the Vendue Rooftop Bar, and taking in every part of Charleston including the park!

What Were Some of Your Favorite Bars/Restaurants That You Visited?

Amen Grill
The Vendue Rooftop Bar

Photos From the Trip

More About the Trip

Are There Any Businesses You Would Like to Highlight? Someone that Really Made Your Vacation Truly Outstanding?

All of them!

If You Were to Return to Charleston, Is There Somewhere You Might Like to Visit That You Didn't Get a Chance to During This Trip?

I’d definitely love to stay here at a hotel and venture into more of the stores. I only had 7 hours to roam around, and it most definitely wasn’t enough.